Make Friends With Your Mind
One to One Happiness Mentoring
The mind can be like a wild horse…
It can cause absolute havoc!
Or with the right training, it can become our greatest ally and a best friend for life.
For many years, Vicky, the co-founder of the Museum of Happiness, battled with her mind. Living inside her mind and body felt like living in a haunted house until she discovered science-backed tools, techniques, and practices to make friends with her mind.
This haunted house has now been transformed into a kind, peaceful and joyful sanctuary—a wonderful place to live. Ten years ago, she started the Museum of Happiness to bring these teachings to the world.
“You can’t stop the waves but you can learn to surf” - Jon Kabat-Zinn
Are you ready to:
Cultivate greater self-compassion and self-confidence so that your mind and body becomes an enjoyable place to live?
Break free from habits that have held you back for years and create new ones that support your growth and evolution
Make meaningful internal and external changes for greater happiness and peace
Learn to give yourself the same kindness, love, and support that you give to others
Establish healthy boundaries, more ease, flow and balance in your life
Step outside of your comfort zone and bring a dream idea or project into fruition
Transform your mind from a source of negative inner chatter and self-doubt into your greatest ally, becoming a powerful force for good in the world
1:1 Happiness Mentoring
Happiness Mentoring is an exploration of practical, science-backed techniques to transform the inner bully into one that is kind and encouraging. It provides guidance to transform life's challenges into opportunities for growth - like blooming lotuses from the mud. There is enough suffering in the world without the suffering we cause ourselves within our own minds.
The good news is that there are practical, joyful, and sustainable ways to transform this suffering.
Science has proven that we can rewire our brains for greater happiness, peace and emotional resilience. These techniques have already helped hundreds of people people feel a sense of belonging within themselves, live in greater alignment and experience more happiness and peace in their minds and in their life. Once you have these practices and wisdom in your toolkit, you have them for life.

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Vicky has not only co-founded and led the Museum of Happiness, but has also been mentoring and teaching young people and adults from all backgrounds for over 15 years.
She has shared these vital teachings with doctors and nurses in the NHS, government officials, esteemed companies, schools, and universities worldwide, and has trained over 700 happiness facilitators to share these teachings globally.
Transform your mind into a kinder place to live.
Getting Vicky’s one-on-one personal time and support is highly valuable, yet inclusivity is a core value at the Museum of Happiness, and we don't want money to be a barrier.
Therefore, we have a tailored pricing structure to accommodate varying financial situations, and payment plans are available.
If you would like to apply to work with Vicky one-on-one, please email us and a short application form will be sent to you.
Contact smile@museumofhappinesss.org for more information.