Our Happier Community!
Photo by Helena Lopes from Pexels
With so much going on in the world, and with our own personal worlds feeling upside down, things can feel really bleak at times. Especially when the news and social media generally is full of scary stories and negativity.
Even if we’re feeling pretty happy before we log in, our nervous systems are wired to be sensitive to threat, and before long our mood has dropped, we feel more lethargic or anxious, and our desire to do something positive to help ourselves has fallen away. Remember, our brains are designed to keep us safe, not make us happy!
But dark times like these also encourage people to shine their light more brightly. As Fred Rogers, the much-loved American children’s TV personality, once advised, “look for the helpers”.
And indeed, there are so many acts of kindness being offered around the world right now! From people shopping for neighbours who were previously strangers, to the extraordinary lengths people are going to so Covid-19’s contained, there are tiny acts of heroism all around us.
So our friends at ServiceSpace have created an antidote to Coronavirus - Karunavirus.org!
Karuna is the Sanskrit word for compassion, and their volunteers are gathering hundreds of inspiring acts of kindness, care and generosity. It’s a beautiful and reassuring resource which will remind you of the goodness in the world today.
If these stories make you smile, why not join SMILE for PEACE and add yours to a “Mile of Smiles”?
A fundraiser for the World Health Organisation’s Covid 19 Response Fund and the Museum of Happiness, this great idea has been created by Trevor, one of the Museum’s volunteers. The aim is to create an exhibition a mile long of people’s smiles from around the world!
Another one of our amazing volunteers and one of our Happiness Facilitator graduates is running weekly Zoom calls. Join Sarit and uplift each other through social activities and games - kids and pets welcome!
Shaileen, another of our happiness graduates, has written a great blog post full of tips and resources, including an audio meditation from Vicky.
And do you have very small children? Former Steiner teacher and friend of the Museum Kevin Campbell Davidson is holding “Family Time” weekdays 9 - 9.15am, which weaves story, song and movement with a playful spirit. You can register here, and watch a whole session in 60 seconds here.
And finally ...
And finally, our amazing friends at Action for Happiness have launched 10 Days of Happiness, a free online coaching program which guides you through daily actions for happier living, all based on the latest research.
There are lots of ways to connect with others and find peace, no matter how dark and difficult life may feel sometimes. Remember - you’re not alone in finding things tough, and there’s a lot of support out there when you need it.