
Observe & Be Mindful
Being mindful and observing our thoughts, feelings and sensations in the moment means we can more easily notice when we’re caught up in them. With awareness comes the power of choice - the choice to become less attached to them, to experience something different, or to truly savour them.

Wisdom and Wonder
It can feel hard to know which direction to take sometimes. With so many choices and so many voices clamouring for our attention, finding the peace and clarity to recognise the next step can feel impossible. How do you know what to do, what to think, who to be?

You and The World
It’s so easy to look at ourselves and see where we start and end. We can see the floor we’re stood on, or the chair we’re sitting on. They’re not a part of us, and we’re not a part of them. Right? But in truth you’re no more separate from the world around you than these letters are from the page they’re written on…

Most of us want a purpose to our lives. For some, having a family, a secure job, a strong community or deeply-held religious beliefs mean that we can find it quite easily. But as society changes, fewer of us can rely on the things that have traditionally given people purpose and a sense of meaning to their life. So it’s completely normal to feel that you need to discover it for yourself!

Playfulness and Creativity
Life can feel pretty serious right now. We’re often faced with instability, both in our lives and in the world around us, and it’s hard to avoid the bad news that shouts for our attention every time we check the news or go on social media. At MOH we firmly believe in the power of self-care, so there are times when the best gift you can give yourself is a news or social media ban (or to create a new habit where you only check them once a day!).

Appreciation and Gratitude
A few years ago I stumbled on something that really helped to shift my life for the better. It’s a secret super-power that’s been hidden in plain sight for years. It can “unshackle us from toxic emotions”, help us to rewire our brain towards more positivity, strengthen our relationships and even increase our resilience after traumatic events.

The Habit of Happiness
Have you ever made (and then broken) a New Year’s resolution? Yeah, me too. That’s the thing with a new year; it’s easy to feel like you need to change. How many of us have made goals to ‘eat healthily’, ‘quit drinking/smoking’ or ‘exercise more’, and then failed to follow through?

Welcome to a HAPPY WORLD
We all want to be happy, but when we feel overwhelmed, sad or confused it can feel hard to know what to focus on. So we’re making it easy for you!
Each letter in the words HAPPY WORLD stands for something which will make you feel better. They will make the world we live in a happier place, too!